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ORYNOCO POD System User Guide 

It’s a good idea, when possible, to utilise a dowser/geomancer to test your proposed location for the presence of any geopathic stress spots which may adversely affect the balance and proper functioning of your ORYNOCO POD. Depending on your location we may be able to recommend a qualified dowser/geomancer that’s familiar with our technology and its
unique requirements. Otherwise we can advise you regards finding a qualified dowser/geomancer in your area.

The ORYNOCO POD requires no assembly whatsoever. Just carefully unpack your system from its shipping boxes, and then set the 3 towers up around the area that you will be sitting or lying down within when you do your sessions.

Even if you won’t be starting your sessions right away we recommend you setup your unit as soon as your space has been prepared. This is because when your unit is setup, a healthy and highly beneficial life force energy field will permeate your entire environment. You may or may not sense its presence, but it will be there regardless to beneficially support you even when you’re not doing sessions.

The POD is a highly sensitive bit of technology. It responds optimally to all your intentions when using it when it is anchored in a balanced space. We therefore highly recommend using one of the two practitioners at the links below for getting your space for the POD into an optimal state of balance to obtain the best results from this technology.
• Adrian Incledon-Webber of Dowsing Spirits (Healer and Dowser)
• Linda Giannacopoulos of Harmonious Living (Bio-Geometry Practitioner)
If you are new to using an ORYNOCO POD, please begin your process by drinking TSE water for 3 to 7 days prior to starting your sessions. This will help balance your body’s energy fields and your mind and emotions to better prepare you for your first sessions in the unit. This helps you to be able to receive many more of the benefits which may be available to you from your new Pod.

When renting a unit you can still make full use of your rental time by starting to drink the TSE water at the same time you start your sessions

TSE Charged Water = water informed or charged by placing a sealed vial of TSE next to or in your drinking water.
Place the Transition State Elements (TSE) vial(s) that are enclosed into a glass dispenser (e.g. a Kilner 5L drinks dispenser) filled with clean water such as Volvic water or filtered tap water. Allow the vial(s) of TSE time to charge the water. This can take several hours. Your TSE Charged Water can be used after only 2 hours, but it will have a stronger charge and be more effective if left for up to 8 hours.
Drink 30-50ml of your TSE Charged Water at least three times a day. It’s quite important to drink some of your TSE water before you go to sleep each night. You can also add it to your tea and coffee if you wish. You can drink as much TSE Charged Water as you like. You can even add some to your bath, laundry and cooking too. You can also water your plants with the TSE Charged Water.
Your dogs, cats and other pets will love it as well.
We recommend adding it into all of the water that you use every day so that a healthy field can more completely permeate your entire environment as much as possible. After 3-7 days of drinking TSE Charged Water you will be ready to begin your first sessions in your new Pod.

Wholeness Support Unit Session Guidelines
Put on some of your favourite music, light some candles, oils or incense as you prefer. A typical session in the Pod lasts 15-40 minutes. It’s best to start with shorter duration sessions to begin with and work up.
Sit on a comfortable chair positioned between the 3 towers. Remove your shoes so you can sit with your feet grounded on the floor and sit peacefully. You could even read a good book during your sessions. It’s important that you relax and not stress about anything. Just let your Orynoco Pod do its job!
If you feel uncomfortable take a break and try again later. If you feel well and great, you can spend a longer time in the unit and repeat the session again after a few hours. Either way, it’s important to do a session before you go to sleep. You may feel sleepy during or after a session, in which case just go have a good rest.
You can repeat sessions daily if you wish and you’re not feeling any adverse reactions. If you are limited on time or have some mild reactions then do sessions just 3 times a week. You can follow this preparation pattern initially for about 2-3 weeks, then review your progress. Keeping a journal of what you are experiencing can be quite helpful for the purpose of review. Keep records in your journal of how you feel each day, what’s changing in you, and so forth.
Sometimes re-balancing can feel odd or uncomfortable. This is sort of like moving into a wonderful new home where you like the new space, but there’s a period of dis-comfort while you’re getting used to the new home space. Be patient with yourself and trust in the process.
Mankind has used natural products to maintain optimal health and vitality since time immemorial.
The informational fields imparted by the Pod and the Transition State Elements (TSE) are entirely natural. They may be of help to you in achieving greater energetic balance, peace and wellness to all levels of a being, be it human or animal.
Remember always that your new ORYNOCO POD is NOT a medical device.

The usage guidance provided above is not medical advice. The use of your Orynoco Pod does not replace conventional medical treatments and/or care. The Transition State Elements (TSE) are not medicines. Our products do not diagnose, cure or treat any diseases. If you have any sort of medical or health condition you should immediately seek the help and care of a licensed doctor or health
care professional.

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