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Transition State Elements

TSE = Transition State Elements.

We believe the Transition State to be visible evidence of a quantum state between light frequency (wave form) and matter (particle form). In this condition
the information and qualities of the Life Force Field are also bio available.
Each of our TSE has unique life force energy fields that you or your environment can use to achieve greater Calm, Balance, Cleansing, Vitalisation and nutritional support.

The fields produced by the Transition State Elements open up and support our own energy fields to facilitate re-balancing and restoration of wellbeing.
Each TSE thus offers different ways to introduce and experience the qualities of these exquisite life force energy fields into your body, your being and your environment. From this rejuvenated energetic state you can then move forward in a more empowered way to engage your own self designed journey of complete healing.
Your intention and attention are very important keys to eliciting a more fulfilling, effective and meaningful interaction with the information conveyed by the life force energy fields of each particular TSE. While this principle is common to the universe as a whole, the Transition State makes the information of each element much more available to living systems.
TSE Charged Water = water informed or charged by placing a sealed vial of TSE next to or in the water.
TSE Treated Water = water informed or charged by mixing the physical TSE into the water and using the clear head of water once the TSE has settled (not recommended for drinking).

Qualities and uses of Calm TSE (zinc based)

Calm TSE supports the emotions and nervous
Generally, the element zinc is known to play an
important role in regulating and stabilizing the
functions of the central nervous system. It can support
synaptic activity in neural cells and it is responsible for
neural metabolism.
Emotional imbalance, anxiety and stress are widely
recognised to be involved as contributing factors in a significant number of problematic mental, emotional and physiological conditions.
Drinking Water: we have observed that by charging distilled water with both Calm and Balance
TSE information and either drinking or topically applying this charged water, it may offer
improved states of mental, emotional and physiological balance and a calming of nerves and nervous reactions.
Skin: you can add a small amount (few drops) of Balance TSE to a mister, using mineral or distilled water. Or you can purchase our Mister which has a 3ml Calm/Balance sealed vial inside it. Adding actual drops to charged water can make it a bit stronger. Misting may help support your body in its efforts to revitalize skin, relax eyes, muscles and nerves, and heal wounds.
Body: you can hold the bottles in your hands while just sitting quietly, you can meditate with them, or you can put them in your pockets to keep them near your body as you go about your day. Again, hold your focus of intention and feeling to achieve the best results.

Bath: you can add a small amount (few drops) of Balance TSE to your bath in combination with 5 drops of Calm TSE and a few drops of Cleanse TSE for helping your body with easing muscle tensions and reducing pain.
Plants, Pets: the use of Balance and Calm TSE is also beneficial for plants and animals. Balance and Calm TSE can be used in gardening and agriculture to water and spray plants or crops. For spraying house plants you can add a small amount (few drops) of TSE to a 1.5-2L sprayer, or purchase our Vitalising Spray. For pets drinking water just use our sealed 5ml Vials for TSE Charged water.

Qualities and uses of Balance TSE (C2 based)

We believe that Balance TSE resonates best with
the nervous system and emotions, enhancing the
transfer of information within the body.
Balance TSE Treated Water may be of assistance to
heal the body when it is sprayed on muscle injuries. It
has been known to help reduce pain for some people.
We also observe that it brings balance by
activating cells and strengthening the immune
system. Balance TSE might also be helpful if it is applied to a broken bone, but in this case it is the area around the bone fracture that should be sprayed, never directly spray the fracture site especially if there is an open wound there.
Drinking Water: you can drink Balance TSE Charged Water, and it may be
especially helpful in combination with Calm TSE Charged Water. With this
combination you may be able to bring better balance to your body and emotions.
Skin and body: as above for Calm.
Bath: as above for Calm.
Plants, Pets: as above for Calm.

Qualities and uses of Cleanse TSE (copper based)

Cleanse TSE corresponds with the physical
body in our model. We regard copper in its
matter state as having cleansing and anti-microbial
qualities, and we have observed that the Cleanse TSE
support muscle structure
enhance communication with the muscle tissue.
have anti-viral effects
This could be helpful to the body to help it achieve a better balance between its muscle
structures and its nervous system.
Drinking Water: you can drink Cleanse TSE Charged Water. Many people use Cleanse
TSE to purify water, especially when it is combined with Balance TSE.
Skin and body: as above for Calm, but possibly also with an anti-microbial
Bath: as above for Calm.
Space: you can add a small amount (few drops) of TSE to a 1.5-2L sprayer and use to disinfect and clean living spaces (bedrooms, bathrooms, garages) by spraying walls, ceilings and floors.
Plants: Cleanse TSE shouldn't be used for agriculture and gardening because plants process copper and its fields differently to mammals


Qualities and uses of Mineral TSE (K, Mg, Ca)

Mineral TSE contains the fields of Potassium,
Magnesium, Calcium.
Calcium is generally considered to support the immune
system and bone health.
Potassium is generally considered to support blood
pressure, nervous system and muscles.
Magnesium is generally considered to support muscle, nerve, heart and immune system
Drinking Water: immerse UN-OPENED in any source of water and the information fields will be transferred to the water for your benefit, allow approximately 1hr to process.

Qualities and uses of Shungite TSE

Shungite TSE – may help relieve electro-stress and anxiety.

Drinking Water: immerse UN-OPENED in any source of water and the information fields will be transferred to the water for your benefit, allow approximately 1hr to process.

Disclaimer: These products and our statements about them have not been evaluated by the USA FDA, the UK’s MHRA or the EU’s EMA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your doctor before using any product. 

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